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WilleisnerA few Goosie writers attended a number of the PEI Writers Guild, Wild Threads Literary Festival sessions. All of them were great fun and educational. The final session was ‘Publishing Your Story: 30 Years with Acorn Press’ with a special professional development panel and Q&A on Sunday Sept 22nd at the Charlottetown Library Learning Centre. The presenters were Acorn Press’ Terrilee Bulger and Tracy Belsher

I learned about what a publisher is looking for in a script or a query letter. Actually, I’d never heard of a ‘query letter’. There’s a ton of people wanting to get published so your work needs to be ‘the same, but different’. I watched a number of very interesting pitches. We learned that in your pitch, you need to stay on target. They need to know where are you going with your story. You need to ‘Paint a picture with words’. You need to be wary of ‘toxic positivity’. We discussed ‘toxic positivity’ which is “the belief that people should maintain a positive mindset no matter how dire or difficult a situation is.” Tracy brought a number of ‘must read’ books for writers (listed below) wanting to get published.

The Shooting Script, A Knight’s Tale
Brian Helgeland

Your Screenplay Sucks!
100 ways to make it great!
William M. Akers

The Emotion Thesaurus
Writers guide to character traits

Story Physics
Harnessing the underlying forces of storytelling
Larry Brooks

Write fiction that grabs readers at page one and never lets them go

On Writing Horror
The Horror Writers Association
Edited by Mort Castle

Graphic Storytelling and visual narrative
Principles and practices from the legendary cartoonist

Cinematic Storytelling
The 100 most powerful film conventions every filmmaker must know
Jennifer Van Sijel

society of childrens book writers & illustrators publication guide

The Fire in Fiction

Spunk & Bite (love this book)

Writing Down the Bones
Freeing the Writer within

Mastering Suspense Structure and Plot
How to write gripping stories that keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Jane K Cleland

Stephen King
On Writing
A memoir of the craft

Anne Lamott
bird by bird
some instructions on writing and life

Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
how to edit yourself into print
Renni Browne & Dave King

The Hero with a Thousand Faces

The Writers Journey
Mythic structure for writers
Christopher Vogler

The Virgins Promise
Writing stories of feminine creative, spiritual and sexual awakening
Kim Hudson

The Kick-Ass Writer
1001 ways to write great fiction, get published and earn your audience
Chuck Wendig

Save the Cat!
Writes a Novel
The last book on novel writing you’ll ever need
Jessica Brody

Save the Cat!
Writes a Young Adult Novel
The ultimate guide to writing a YA bestseller

Writing with Pictures
How to write and illustrate children’s books
by Url Sh?

Children’s Picturebooks
The art of visual storytelling

Writing Picture Books

a young writers handbook